FAQ / Contact

This is a one man operation. I’ve been writing about music off-and-on since ~1998, having written reviews for a large punk fanzine for ~four years, eventually starting my own short-lived zine around that time. I didn’t spend my 20’s covering music but rather listening to it, going to shows, and participating in the ever-shifting Portland, Oregon area scenery. While attending college I wrote for larger magazines and trade periodicals, having been published on recreational topics (hiking gear, video games) and academic papers (molecular biology, etc.) beyond those experiences I’ve at least played in a couple bands, and ran my own record label briefly for the sake of insight into the independent music industry as best I could/can. Generally speaking, I am driven only by gained experience and improving my own skills. I have always been the type to fully delve into an interest until it becomes knowledge, to me knowledge is the prime mover in life. — Grizzly Butts was formed in 2017 (while living in Seattle, Washington) for the sake of sovereignty away from the devolved and corrupt online communities I’d been participating in since 2010. The site was “re-branded” to Mystification Zine in 2024 in order to better incorporate goals of publishing a print + digital fanzine on a monthly basis.

Mystification Zine is a venture driven by a compulsive heavy music obsession. I do my best to give each release due effort, every release deserves at least 500-2000 words of thought and extensive repeat listens and I don’t publish anything until I feel like I’ve done my best. Without serious consideration and effort, why would -any- writing be worth reading? I believe what musicians put into their music is worth serious time and meditation, even if they don’t realize it. My philosophy of earnest criticism, extensive listening, and (usually) thorough research continues to stand out in a blogsphere that still refuses to take heavy/extreme seriously. At the very least I do my best to try to focus on the best art I encounter and give due love to that which speaks to me most.

Do not treat me like a business. At the end of the day I am not a “brand” or an institution and I am not looking for a job but rather a fan like anyone else. There should be no rift between fanzine and fan, musician and fan, or musician and fanzine.

Thank you for reading.


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Frequently Asked Questions: If you are a band, PR firm or record label:

  • You’ll reach me a lot faster if you use grizzlybutts@hotmail.com
  • The only genres I guarantee I will NOT review:
    • Hip-hop/R&B/Rap/Funk/Nu-metal
    • Country/Bluegrass/Americana. Most Neofolk is okay.
    • Singer/songwriter. Unique and “outsider” solo projects excepted.
    • Absolutely everything else is fair, but nothing is guaranteed.
  • If you are an independent band self-promoting (this does not apply to labels):
    • Send ONE e-mail, ONCE.
    • Do not contact me on social media repeatedly if I do not respond. “Likes” on social media do not grease the wheel, I do not care about social media presence or metrics.
    • I am not your PR, this is not a service. I mostly ignore bands that can’t put together a basic EPK anymore.
    • I guarantee consideration, I do not guarantee or “owe” you a review.
    • I do not care, at all, under any circumstance what you think of my review or coverage of your art. None of it is aimed at you, it is not a conversation with you, and you are not required to read or respond to it. If you want to drop in and say thanks, I appreciate it but please don’t feel obligated.
    • If you or your band complain about coverage on social media or over chat/e-mail with me I will overlook future releases. If criticism is difficult to take, do not create public monetized art.
  • Digital file/EPK submissions:
    • Should be in MP3  (320kbps preferred) and not WAV when possible. If you’re worried about fidelity then I will accept a physical copy. E-mail me or use the contact form.
    • Please send the files using a service like PromoJukeBox, Haulix, HeartheMusic, Dropbox (or similar). Google Drive is also fine but you’ll need to properly label folders so they don’t just say “mp3”, I won’t always know what it is. Likewise, WeTransfer is not ideal since links can expire. If your links expire in less than a week, forget it man.
    • Please have your MP3‘s labeled or at least files named in order in your EPK.
    • Please include at least one minimum 1200×1200 sized version of the album art in the EPK. 300dpi resolution on all files is best, since I might use press materials for printed coverage as well.
  • Private Streaming submissions:
    • As of January 9th, 2021 I will no longer accept private streaming links for long-form reviews. I will still consider these releases for short reviews, news, album of the month, and mentions (usually after their release.) The stream must have a VOLUME CONTROL.
    • This binds me to sit at a computer while listening and I am no longer willing to do this for a full review. I might listen to an album 10 to 20+ times for longer reviews and cannot stand to be seated for the entire process, I work at a desk enough as it is.
    • If you are concerned about piracy or it is the label/firm’s policy: Tough shit? We will both manage. I’m no pirate and will never infringe upon the rights of artists/labels.
  • If you wish to submit a physical CD or LP copy of your promo:
    • E-mail me for an address to send it to. It’ll be a United States mailing address.
    • If your album was already released, don’t bother sending a physical copy.
  • It may take up to 3-4 weeks for a full review.
    • Independent bands are given some extra priority, if sent early.
    • I won’t always inform you of the review, follow me on Instagram or Facebook.
    • If it is not reviewed after 3-4 weeks, it probably won’t be.
  • I will not censor controversial music.
    • I will maintain abject neutrality when possible.
    • It might not be promoted on social media depending on imagery.
    • Politics and/or controversy won’t factor into coverage.
    • Photographs of dead bodies, victims, and real (not illustrated) gore aren’t my thing in general. This is out of respect for the dead, their families and not intentional censorship. I will certainly cover music that uses gore etc. for imagery but generally won’t use photographed images of real death on the site [as of January 1st, 2021] I know it sounds lame to edgy folks but, again, it is a matter of respect.
    • I will no longer support or mention musicians who sing about or glorify poop, feces, nor any legitimate dissertations on scatology in their themes. [as of April 2nd, 2022]
    • I will no longer support releases which use AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated cover artwork. This is out of respect for human artists, the sanctity of their expression of soul, mind and the ability to commodify talents to survive. While I have used some quickly prompted artwork for ~5-6 social media posts in the past I cannot live in a world where such thoughtless, hideous things lower the standards and overtake the imagery of heavy and extreme metal. [as of February 14th, 2024]
    • I do not personally support fascism, homophobia or racism.
    • I do not consider anti-religious art as controversial. I encourage the defiance of all religion and the implementation of self-defined spirituality and/or philosophy.

Please use this form [Hint: Enter your own name/e-mail, not mine!] if you have any questions, or if you would like to submit content, media, or discuss any sort of business.

<strong>Help Support Grizzly Butts’ goals with a donation:</strong>

Please consider donating directly to site costs and project funding using PayPal.
